Sonalisa Dhungana

Sonalisa Dhungana

Height: 5’7
Hometown: Brampton, ON
Languages: English, Nepali, Hindi
Occupation: Strategic Initiatives Manager

Sonalisa embodies determination, passion, and a deep-rooted commitment to be the voice of women and children, who have experienced sexual abuse. Having gone through several horrible experiences of sexual and emotional abuse between the ages of seven and seventeen, she knows the feelings of being confused, misunderstood, scared and helpless. What’s more horrible is that the predators have been either trusted relatives or friends. Each time she tried to speak up, she remembers being unheard, untrusted, or blamed for her own actions leading up to these incidents. The first time she faced sexual abuse at the hand of a relative and brought this up to seek justice, she was silenced and threatened to be removed from the house along with her mother and older sister, and her soul has been crushed since.

When she moved to Canada from her birth country Nepal, Sonalisa’s feelings and experiences started to feel more valid as she had the exposure to higher education, women rights & laws that protect women, resources available for help, and psychological therapy. Canada welcomed her with open and loving arms, accepted her as its daughter and gave her the opportunity to validate her purpose, identify her likes & dislikes, and figure out who she is as a person. The friendships she found here gave her the feeling of belonging she had been craving for years. However, she also learned that so many women in her circle from across the world have gone through similar horrible experiences as her and had remained voiceless for years.

As a proud Canadian, her participation in pageantry is rooted in her mission to advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and foster a more inclusive and equitable society at the national and global level. She will use this platform to be a beacon of light for those living in the darkness of sexual abuse and be the voice of the voiceless. Having experience of participating in a pageant before, she fully understands the impact this platform can have at the global scale. She hopes to use this platform to work towards validating and rescuing hundreds and thousands of children and women who have faced sexual abuse and end this evil from our lives once and for all.

Today, Sonalisa holds a master’s degree in Business Administration with Finance major from McMaster University and serves as a Strategic Initiatives Manager at one of Canada’s leading financial institutions.


What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I am deeply passionate about cultivating a happy and healthy lifestyle for myself and those around me. I firmly believe that true well-being stems from a sense of contentment. To achieve this, I stay connected with my spiritual side, which helps me feel grounded and in tune with my subconscious. Physical movement is key for me in this journey, whether through strength training, yoga, or long hikes in the nature. Additionally, I enjoy engaging in conversations with people from all walks of life. Each individual has a unique story to share, and I find great joy in learning from these diverse experiences. I am fascinated by our similarities and the delightful quirks that make us each unique.

On special occasions, I enjoy preparing healthy, nutritious, and inventive recipes for my friends, family, and for the community food tables. It brings me immense joy to see everyone enjoying themselves, feeling cherished, and making lasting memories together. Life is fleeting and will pass by in the blink of an eye. My goal is to make sure that when I open my eyes, I have created a universe of beautiful moments that leave a positive impact on those around me.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

I have been trained in the art of salsa dancing, karate kicks, and project management wizardy (PMP certified). It’s a unique blend of rhythm, precision, and strategic thinking – all the right moves for different moods!

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I have been very athletic growing up and have participated in variety of sports over the years, including Swimming, Cricket, Basketball, Community Marathons, Yoga, Kho-Kho, Badminton & more!

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

My Sociology and Political Science professor, the late Panna Kaji Amatya, once looked me in the eye and said, “Sonalisa, you can be whatever you want to be. You will excel in any career path you choose.” These words, spoken to the 18-year-old me, ignited a spark of confidence and motivation within. Often, as teenagers, we find ourselves adrift, searching for purpose in multiple directions. When someone we admire recognizes our talents, validates our ambitions, and believes in our ability to reach for the stars, it can set us firmly on the right path, regardless of its nature.

Learning from this experience, I have always encouraged and supported the goals and aspirations of those around me and will continue to do so. I am profoundly grateful to Professor Late Panna Sir for instilling in me the belief that words possess extraordinary power; a single statement can wield the greatest impact, transforming a person’s life for the better.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

While pursuing my MBA at McMaster University, I had the opportunity of leading a six-person team in the ‘Pitching in for Charity’ competition. Together with my extraordinarily talented and compassionate teammates, we developed a program to support families and children from marginalized communities through the Kiwanis Boys & Girls Club – Hamilton.

Our efforts culminated in a presentation to over 400 audience members and a panel of judges, where we showcased our initiative. I am proud to share that we were selected as the competition winners, earning prize money of CAD1000 that we promptly donated to the charity organization.

This experience stands as one of the proudest moments of my life. Being able to give back and make a tangible difference in the lives of more than 10 families was incredibly rewarding.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

What sets me apart is my versatility-I’m like water, able to shapeshift and adapt to any situation. I vividly recall a unique assignment where I acted as a motivational consultant for over 50 individuals at the operations floor of my department. A technology project was implemented which significantly changed existing processes which led to a lot of resistance, disengagement and discomfort to the workers who had been used to the old processes existing over 30 years. As a result, I was made part of a special team for a smooth transition to new ways of doing this. I implemented my servant leadership style and approached the situation with empathy, humility, selflessness and building the community. I organized training sessions, supported their learning one step at a time, lent my ear to their frustrations, and walked around the floor building a good rapport with everyone demonstrating to them the progress they have made. Through building a sense of community, I ensured deadlines and goals were met while fostering a motivated environment.

In my current role as a Strategic Initiatives Manager at a Financial Institution, I don my ‘numbers hat’ to analyze our portfolio’s financial landscape and identify investment opportunities. Previously, I served as a Project Manager for digital projects, where each day demanded a different role: one day making critical decisions for large-scale implementations, and the next, organizing team pizza parties and raffle

Throughout these experiences, I discovered the power of positivity in challenging circumstances, forging empathetic connections in every scenario, and uncovering my own capacity for versatility.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

Alongside achieving a chief officer position at the bank where I currently work, I envision establishing a startup focused on teaching financial literacy and empowerment to women. This organization will not only educate them about personal finance and investments but also help them identify and leverage their unique talents to generate income and achieve financial independence.

To prepare for this endeavor, I have pursued continuous education and skill development. I completed an MBA in Finance which deepened my understanding of personal finance and investment strategies. My current role in wealth management provides valuable insights into how people manage their finances and underscores the importance of financial literacy.

By combining my professional growth with a heartfelt commitment to women’s empowerment, I aim to establish a safe and nurturing organization where women can transform their lives and pursue their dreams with confidence. I am committed to further broadening my skills and expertise to create a supportive and empowering space for women who have experienced sexual abuse or domestic violence.

My goal is to provide them with hope, encouragement, and the tools they need to build brighter futures.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job is to travel the world and live in other people’s homes where I can educate women from those households to reflect within, to identify their inherent talents, know their rights and create their own wealth. We are all born with unique talents and need a little nudge from someone who sees it. Women are often found to shelve their dreams on the top shelf of their family closet to make space for other people’s dreams. This takes away their individuality which is ultimately connected to self-worth and confidence. I dream of being a catalyst for women globally to identify their talents and pursue it to make themselves self-sufficient and feel empowered so that they can take ownership of their lives with confidence. This job offers me a perfect balance of meaningful work, cultural immersion, and personal fulfillment. It aligns with my values of empowerment and community building while providing the opportunity to explore diverse cultures and lifestyles.

Additionally, the prospect of enjoying free accommodation and meals allows for a sustainable work-life balance, enabling me to pursue my passion with a content heart.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

Growing up in Nepal was a vibrant, spiritual, athletic and enriching experience for me. Each morning, I would wake up to the sounds of pigeons cooing outside my window and the bells ringing from nearby temples. The day would start early with the lively chatter of a local tea shop owner tuning her radio at 6 AM, filling the air with different sounds. Life in Kathmandu was bustling even before dawn, with people starting their day as early as 5 AM.

Both my parents worked tirelessly, seven days a week, to provide for our family and build a home. My mother owned a beauty salon, where I spent much of my time outside of school. I cherished helping her serve clients and learning the ropes of her business.

We also had a small garden in our backyard adorned with a variety of fruit trees – guava, pomegranate, grapefruit – and many other vegetables planted by my mother. I have fond memories of spending weekends in our backyard with my sister, playing and enjoying fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the soil.

Despite having a busy schedule, little Sonalisa always made time for her dance classes, swimming lessons, and karate classes! Hah! Thanks to my mother’s dedication to ensuring I grew into a well-rounded individual. She made sure we knew everyday that we were born to conquer the world!

Looking back, I am grateful for the love, hard work, and sacrifices of my parents, especially my mother, who strived to provide us with opportunities she didn’t have growing up. My childhood in Nepal was filled with adventure, learning, and a deep connection with nature and family.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

The most interesting job I have had is when I was featured in a menstrual sanitary pad awareness and promotion campaign for ‘Safety Sanitary Pads’, when I was just ten years old. In a country where talking about menstruation and menstrual hygiene is a taboo, for me, to openly be the face of menstruation and feminine hygiene was very courageous and bold in the eyes of the society at the time. However, for me, it was absolutely normal. As a matter of fact, I felt a sense of pride because even at such a young age I understood how important it is to dismiss the “taboo” attached to a natural process women are gifted with since birth and how important it is to openly talk about sanitation and hygiene rather than hiding them under a sheet of newspaper, which is usually the case when sanitary products are sold. The campaign organizers bought me a new pair of school clothes and paid me a handsome sum of money so I was super happy about that too!

This experience ignited a spark within me to do more. During my undergrad years, I juggled five different jobs. I worked as a homeschool tutor for kids from various schools, dabbled as a bridal makeup artist in my mother’s beauty salon, took on acting gigs in TV commercials, and even starred in the lead role of a popular Nepali TV sitcom called “Gharbeti Baa” that aired weekly on national television. Additionally, I had the opportunity to be a video jockey (VJ) for Nepal’s first technology review TV show, “Gadgetbyte Nepal”, broadcasted nationwide.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I’ve had and wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of my partners, sponsors, and most importantly, my family, who encouraged me to pursue my dreams. Each experience has contributed to shaping who I am today and has fueled my passion for making a difference in the world.

List any volunteering you have done.

I have been volunteering since I was a child and will continue to do so as it gives me inner peace, contentment and a chance to create impact in the process! Some of the volunteering activities/organizations I have been a part of are:

  • Sathya Sai Kendra food drive
  • Nepal Earthquake Disaster Relief (Red Cross Society)
  • Blood drives/donations (Red Cross Society)
  • Awareness against sexual abuse (Flashmobs, research paper, donation events, etc.)
  • Smile Falls Fund Raiser (Rangoli making competition)
  • Climate Change awareness eco-carnival (Ramp walk)
  • Autism awareness (marathon)
  • Street Animals Care Fund Raiser (Facebook)
  • Peel Region Helping Hands (Meals for the community food tables)
  • Move4Kids fund raiser (Goodlife Fitness)
  • & more!

What is your most unusual talent?

One of my most unique talents is my passion for organizing and choreographing flashmobs. I love bringing together large groups of people with a positive intention, knowing that collective energy can create positive change. With this in mind, I’ve organized two flashmobs – one to raise awareness against sexual abuse and another to highlight the importance of cleaning jobs, which are often overlooked.

Flashmobs have shown me the transformative potential of collective action and the impact of spreading positivity through creative means. People are genuinely supportive of important causes and that creativity, like dance and flashmobs, can be powerful tools for advocacy. We don’t always need violence or traditional protests to unite people for a cause; sometimes, artistic expression and community engagement can be just as effective in spreading awareness and driving change.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

Traveling across Europe has been an incredible experience for me, and one place that truly stole my heart is Dubrovnik in Croatia. This city is a treasure trove of unique architecture, breathtaking views, and enchanting natural beauty. What made it even more special for me is that many scenes from the popular TV show Game of Thrones were filmed here, so being in those locations was like stepping into a fantasy world.

My absolute favorite memory from Dubrovnik is spending an entire afternoon at Banje beach. Picture this: swimming in the clear blue water with music playing softly from a nearby pub, and as the sun started to set, the hills around us lit up with twinkling lights. I watched the sunset and the moonrise while floating in the water – it was like time stood still and all that mattered was the beauty around me.

Floating in the water, I felt a profound sense of awe and connection to the universe. In that moment, nothing else mattered – it was just me and the vast expanse of nature around me. It made me realize how small I am in the grand scheme of things, yet how connected I felt to the universe within myself. Dubrovnik truly left a lasting impression on me, and I carry those magical moments with me wherever I go.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In the next ten years, I see myself in a leadership role where I can really make a positive impact on people’s lives. I’ve always had this urge since I was a child to change the world somehow. My twenties were all about getting educated and figuring out how to get by. Now that I’ve gained a lot of experience and confidence, I feel a strong sense of responsibility to use my voice and experiences to help others who need it.

While I continue supporting women who have been through sexual assault, my goal for the next decade is to finish my PhD and maybe even make it onto Forbes’ ’40 Under 40′ list. I want to lead by example, advocating for change and inspiring others along the way. My aim is to keep growing, keep pushing forward, and leave a positive mark on the world through empowerment and action.

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

Participating in the Miss Universe Canada pageant holds profound personal significance for me because it provides a platform of advocacy and empowerment. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I carry with me the resilience and determination to be a voice for the voiceless. This journey is not just about showcasing my talents and beauty, but about leveraging this platform to shed light on the shadows that too often cloak the experiences of survivors. Through sharing my story and advocating for change, I aim to break the silence, shatter the stigma, and ignite a movement of healing and empowerment. Miss Universe Canada is not just a stage for me; it’s a battleground where I fight for justice, compassion, and hope.

With every step I take, I’m not only representing myself but standing in solidarity with every survivor, determined to turn pain into power and darkness into light.