Bryanna Trece

Bryanna Trece

Height: 5’3
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Occupation: French Immersion Grade 3 Teacher

Bryanna Trece is a born and raised Canadian, from the city of Toronto. She is of Peruvian origin, and the eldest of eight children. She sings since the age of one and dreamt of becoming Miss Universe Canada since she was a little girl. She has always loved posing for the camera and would be entertained by modeling different outfits with heels on, since the age of two. Bryanna was the recipient of the Latin Excellence Awards in 2022.

She recently graduated from York University and holds a Bachelor of Education Degree, Bachelor of Arts Degree, and a Certificate of Bilingualism in French and English. She is currently a Grade 3 French Immersion Teacher whose main focus is to teach her students the importance of mental health, women empowerment, gender equality, and anti-bullying. She is determined to leave a positive impact on the lives of children she is blessed to cross paths with, and she daily reminds her students the significance of lifting each other up, as she knows, from past personal school experiences, the detrimental effect of bullying and the negative impact it causes on mental health.

Bryanna’s main reason of choosing to work as a teacher was to make sure that no child is bullied, unheard, or excluded. She is also drawn to work closely with children with special needs and give them the attention they deserve. Aside from loving to teach math, she finds joy in motivating her students to follow their dreams and to never give up. Her priority is to inspire her siblings, her students, and children from all over the world to become kindhearted people with good values, lots of confidence, so they can leave a positive impact in society.

Bryanna has many ambitions and passions. Her next goal is to make that insecure little Bryanna proud and bring the Miss Universe Canada crown home.

Frida Brow Bar, Nataliia Shchepaniak, Sue Waterhill, Family and Friends

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I have a passion for singing and listening to music since day one. I enjoy going on long walks, exploring different restaurants around the city, taking my siblings to Canada’s Wonderland, spending time with my loved ones, and cooking new recipes. When I’m able to, I love travelling to new destinations.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

  •  Ballet
  • Vocal
  • Swimming
  • Skating
  • Theatre
  • Improv
  • Catwalk

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

As a young child, my father taught me how to swim, and I also took swimming lessons, I have enjoyed recreational swimming since then, as well as, skating during the winter months. I also played tennis, and volleyball during my high school years.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

If I had to choose one person other than my parents who has had the most influence on my life, it would be God.

God has been my source of love, blessings and strength growing up. He has had the power to heal, comfort, and guide me throughout my life.

God is with me in my hardest moments and I can see him and feel his existence in the people that I love and all the blessings he has blessed me with.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

My proudest personal accomplishment was achieving my University Degrees. As my parents married young, at 21 and 22, and started a family soon after, they were not able to fulfill all of their academic dreams, but were always highlighting the importance of school and culminating Post-Secondary studies. I was very happy and proud to bring them home my University Teaching Degree.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

When I was one and a half, I was dancing while listening to music, and my mom was videotaping me. I lost balance, fell, and hit my face with the metallic bed frame. My mom called the Paramedics and they advised her to let it heal on its own. As I grew older, the scar has gotten much smaller and less noticeable. It is in the middle of my forehead, and my dad would call it, in an effort to make me smile, stairway to success, because it is in the shape of a stair.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to continue spreading messages of hope, and motivate my students to believe in themselves.

As a teacher, I feel I am blessed to be able to work with children of diverse needs and backgrounds, and reinforce them that their strengths lies mostly on who they are as a person, and how they make others feel.

I would like to be a spokesperson at schools, advocating for anti-bullying and mental health.

Eventually, I would like to retake my musical journey, and record new songs.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job in life would be to perform around the world and be able to help my loved ones, and the less fortunate, especially children.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, along with my seven younger siblings. I feel blessed to have been brought up in a large family, by loving, caring, and supportive parents that did everything they could to give my siblings and I a happy life growing up.

My home was always my happy place and comfort zone. I loved singing and would always be entertaining my family and visitors. I also enjoyed playing teacher and teaching math. I would play barbies and make fashionable outfits for them made of toilet paper. Additionally, my mom would buy jewellery beads for me as I loved creating earrings, that I would later keep for myself, give some to my mom and sisters, and sell the rest.

My parents instilled in me love for my background, they are very musical oriented and love Peruvian cuisine, so music and food was always part of family gatherings.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

This past summer, I had a very fun teaching job in the University of Toronto. I taught English to foreign high school students from Asia, Central and South America, and Europe. We also visited many tourist attractions around the city.

List any volunteering you have done.

  • Singing and leading on prayer at the Parish Family Day Proclamation Prayer with Cardinal Collins
  • Hispanic Fiesta
  • St Philip Neri Church Choir singer
  • York University Frosh week leader
  • St Stephen in the Fields Breakfast Program
  • Festival Inti Raymi
  • Fuerza Latina Hispanic Heritage month Gala
  • Vaughan Latin Fest
  • Peru’s Independence Day National anthem singer on YouTube live for Bicentenario Peru 2021
  • Casa Cultural Peruana Inc events
  • CHHA 1610 AM Talentos Radio Program 13th Celebration
  • Youth Day Toronto Creative Arts Festival
  • York University Spanish Spanish Christmas Concert singer
  • TCDSB Teacher’s helper
  • Tributo a Juan Gabriel NovaVision TV/MSMU LTD
  • Todos Somos Peru Radiothon

I have also volunteered singing for the schools I attended, as well as various Hispanic fundraising events since the age of seven.

What is your most unusual talent?

My most unusual talent is that I am a high soprano. I can sing Opera, Pop, and other genres. I can also sing in different languages, such as; Spanish, French, English, Italian, and Japanese.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

I feel fortunate to have visited Paris, Vatican City, Geneva, and Rome recently as they have always been on my bucket list and they are beautiful, however, I would like to say that Peru is the most interesting place I have been to, as it is a country rich in culture, food, history, and landscapes. Visiting the desert oasis in Huacachina, Ica, was not only entertaining but also, breathtaking. Lima, the capital, and where my parents are from is also one of my favourites, as it is filled with beautiful flowers, gorgeous scenery, and there are a great quantity of restaurants.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In 10 years, I hope to be a beacon of hope and continue to inspire beautiful little girls and beautiful young women, and train them to be the next Miss Universe Canada. I would also enjoy being part of the Judge Panel at Miss Universe Canada.

I hope to be performing internationally and become a philanthropist to help the underprivileged.

I would also love to travel the world and discover the richness of each culture and the beauty of each country.

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

I would love to represent Canada in the Miss Universe stage.