Kelsey Seguin

Kelsey Seguin

Height: 5’4
Hometown: McGregor, ON
Languages: English, French
Occupation: Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Senior division – teachables in health and physical education and social sciences) at the University of Windsor

Kelsey Seguin, a 23-year-old from Windsor who grew up in a small town nearby, is a beacon of resilience and compassion. Her educational journey began at the University of Windsor, where she earned a degree in Human Kinetics with a minor in Psychology. This academic path deepened her understanding of the intricate relationship between physical well-being and mental health.

Currently enrolled in the consecutive Bachelor of Education program at the University of Windsor, Kelsey is fervently shaping her future as an inspiring educator. Her dedication to fostering the growth and well-being of future generations extends beyond the classroom, fueled by both her academic endeavors and a personal mission to make a lasting positive impact on those she encounters.

Throughout her academic career, Kelsey has been an active participant in various community initiatives. She has generously volunteered her time as a dance assistant, channeling her passion for movement and expression to inspire budding young dancers. Furthermore, Kelsey has devoted hours as a swim and softball coach for a local high school, nurturing young talents and fostering team spirit. A passionate advocate for global education, Kelsey is an active volunteer with Students Offering Support (SOS), a student-led organization at the University of Windsor dedicated to funding sustainable educational projects in Latin America. She champions SOS tutoring sessions by engaging with students across campus, emphasizing that these sessions not only aid exam preparation but also directly contribute to the organization’s fundraising efforts. Beyond promotion, Kelsey plays an instrumental role in organizing and coordinating events to generate funds for the cause.

As Kelsey continues her educational journey, she is more than a student accumulating knowledge; she is evolving into a beacon of hope, support, and inspiration for her students and community alike. Her journey transcends academic achievement, serving as a testament to her resilience, empathy, and unwavering commitment to making a positive difference in the world.


What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I like going to the gym to workout, listening to lots of music, going on nature walks, spending time with family and friends, playing baseball and dancing.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Dance and Baseball

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

I’ve played baseball since I was 4 years old including 9 years of travel fastpitch. I also tried track and field, soccer, basketball and badminton when I was younger.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

One person who has had a significant influence on my life is my dance teacher, Amber Dayus. She has been instrumental in shaping my character, teaching me not only the art of dance but also invaluable life lessons. Amber has helped boost my confidence, showing me the importance of believing in myself and my abilities. She has instilled in me a strong work ethic, demonstrating what it means to put in hard work and dedication to achieve success in life.

Beyond the dance studio, Amber has been like the big sister I never had, offering unwavering support through both the highs and lows of my life. Her guidance and mentorship have been invaluable, and I know that the lessons she has taught me will stay with me for the rest of my life. Amber will always be someone I look up to and admire deeply for the positive impact she has had on my life.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

One of my proudest personal accomplishments is overcoming a very low point in my life after experiencing partner violence. During that challenging time, I completely lost myself in the relationship, but I refused to let it define me. With immense determination, strength, and the invaluable support from my community resources, I embarked on a journey of healing and self-discovery. Every day, I continue to work on myself, striving to grow stronger, more confident, and resilient. This experience has taught me the power of resilience and the importance of self-love, and I am proud of the person I have become today.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

I am not sure if this counts but I seem to have this knack for being in the right place at the right time when it comes to opportunities. It’s like the universe has a way of aligning things just perfectly for me during those moments.

However, I must admit, outside of these lucky breaks, my luck can be quite the opposite. I’ve had my fair share of misadventures and challenges that seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times. But when it comes to those pivotal moments where an opportunity presents itself, I somehow always manage to be there, ready to seize it.

So, while I may not always have the best luck in general, I’ve come to appreciate these moments of luck and the unique opportunities they bring into my life. It’s like a reminder that sometimes, just sometimes, the stars align in our favor, and it’s up to us to make the most of it This is why I always believe everything happens for a reason and things always happen when they are supposed to happen.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to make a meaningful difference in the lives of my community members, particularly in the lives of children. I believe in the importance of supporting and guiding children towards a path of success. As a future teacher, I feel incredibly honored to have the privilege of shaping young minds and helping them navigate life’s challenges.

To accomplish this goal, I am dedicated to pursuing a career in education, continuously enhancing my teaching skills, and staying updated with the latest educational methods and practices. I plan to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment where every child feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential.

Ultimately, my measure of success would be if I could make a positive difference in at least one person’s life every day, no matter how big or small that difference may be.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

My dream job would be to travel across the country, reaching out to communities and individuals in need. Whether it’s providing essential supplies, offering support, or lending a helping hand, each day would be a chance to make a genuine difference in people’s lives. The most rewarding part of this journey would be the opportunity to impact at least one person’s life positively every day, creating meaningful connections and leaving a lasting, positive impression wherever I go.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I grew up in a very small town and attended a full French elementary school, which was also quite small. It was a close-knit community, and there was a strong sense of support among everyone. I worked diligently in school and managed to achieve good grades.

Despite my hard work and achievements, I faced bullying in school, mainly because of my appearance and family background. We were never wealthy, but my parents always prioritized providing us with the essentials needed for survival and success. To cope with the negativity, I turned to music, dance and softball, which became my outlets from the hardships I faced at school.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

At Parks Canada – Fort Malden National Historic Site, I had the unique opportunity to work as an interpreter, bringing history to life in both French and English. Dressed in period costumes from the 19th century, I animated historic activities and interpreted the grounds and buildings for visitors of all ages. Beyond storytelling, I was also involved in planting, caring for, and harvesting a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, and flowers to maintain period-accurate gardens, adding another layer of authenticity to the visitor experience.

On the other hand, at Cora’s Breakfast and Lunch, I served as a “Fruiter” which was an unusual yet creative role. My task was to cut fruits into cool shapes, turning ordinary fruits into eye-catching and appetizing creations. This job allowed me to showcase my creativity and attention to detail while adding a fun and artistic touch to the dishes served at the restaurant. Both of these jobs offered unique challenges and experiences that allowed me to develop diverse skills and connect with people in different ways.

List any volunteering you have done.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of dedicating my time and skills to various meaningful causes, making a positive impact in both local and global communities. For eight enriching years, I served as a dance coach assistant, mentoring young talents aged 11-19 and supporting them during recitals, fostering their passion for dance and teamwork. In 2023, I took on the role of a swim team coach at Leamington District Secondary School (LDSS), inspiring athletes to achieve their best both in and out of the water.

Additionally, I’ve been an active member of the SOS marketing team since September 2023, where I’ve played a pivotal role in organizing the SOS gala, securing sponsorships, and rallying support through our educational initiatives in Latin America. My involvement allows me to educate peers across campus about our mission to build sustainable educational projects and offer tutoring sessions during exam seasons, ensuring students receive the help they need while contributing to our cause.

In 2023, I also volunteered as an OSSLT scribe, assisting students in successfully completing their literacy tests. Further, I participated in the Princess Pasta Dinner – Miss Windsor fundraiser in 2024, contributing to a charitable event that supports our local community.

Currently, I am coaching the LDSS softball team, fostering teamwork, and nurturing the athletic potential of our young players. Through these diverse volunteer experiences, I’ve gained invaluable insights, honed my leadership skills, and cultivated a deep-seated commitment to making a difference.

What is your most unusual talent?

I hit an 8 inch target at 800 yards with a rifle.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

One of the most fascinating places I’ve visited is Bohol, a beautiful island in the Philippines. I traveled there with a friend and her family, as her mother was originally from the island. During our stay, we lived with her extended family, including her grandparents, aunts, and uncles, providing me with an authentic experience of Filipino culture. This trip offered me a unique perspective on the significant disparities between the rich and impoverished areas. As a sixteen-year-old, encountering these contrasts was truly eye-opening, prompting me to reflect deeply on my own life and cultivate a heightened appreciation for the privileges I enjoy.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I hope to be a full-time teacher, passionately educating high school students about health and physical education. Alongside my professional endeavors, I envision myself happily married, embarking on the beautiful journey of starting a family with someone I deeply love. I aspire to raise my children in an environment where community engagement and giving back are core values. Most importantly, I hope to inspire my children to pursue their hopes and dreams fearlessly, encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones, just as I did at a young age.