Kristina Goncharova

Kristina Goncharova

Height: 5’7
Hometown: Toronto, ON
Languages: English, Ukrainian, Russian
Occupation: Entrepreneur

Kristina Goncharova was born and raised in Ukraine, and her journey to Canada is defined by passion, creativity, and a commitment to making a difference. Now a proud Canadian citizen based in Toronto, Kristina holds a degree in architectural and civil engineering from the National University of Building and Architecture. She is the founder of Brighton Design, a company dedicated to infusing homes with a cozy and sophisticated atmosphere.

Since her youth, Kristina has been painting and creating art, drawing inspiration from everyday experiences. She is known for her energetic, positive, and endlessly creative approach, driven by a deep belief in inspiring others to achieve their dreams. Kristina’s love for travel fuels her passion for architecture and art, often finding her at exhibitions and design events around the world.

In addition to her creative pursuits, Kristina is an avid culinary enthusiast, exploring dishes from around the world. She is particularly obsessed with the presentation of food, believing that a beautifully set table is as important as the meal itself. Kristina strives to make every dining experience a masterpiece, reflecting her passion for aesthetics and design.

Kristina envisions launching a program to assist families unable to afford their own homes, ensuring more parents and children experience the comfort of a place they can truly call home. She embodies innovation, compassion, and ambition, guided by the belief that the more you give to the world, the more you receive from the Universe.

Brighton Design, Radiant For You, Family and Friends

What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I have a deep passion for design and art. Exploring creative expressions through various mediums is not only a personal interest but also a source of inspiration and joy in my life.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

I have a strong background in the arts, having taken architectural drawing classes and studied under talented artists. Additionally, I developed a passion for ballet during my school years, where I embraced the discipline and grace of this beautiful art form.

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

Since my school days, I’ve embraced an active lifestyle. I played basketball and soccer, but now I focus on maintaining my fitness by regularly working out at the gym. Staying fit and healthy is important to me, and I enjoy the physical and mental benefits of staying active.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

The person who has had the most profound influence on my life is my grandfather. He imparted valuable skills to me and taught me the importance of perseverance and following my dreams even in challenging times. His encouragement to push through obstacles and strive for success has shaped my outlook on life. Moreover, he emphasized the importance of considering others and motivated me to inspire and support others in reaching their goals.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

My proudest personal accomplishment is fulfilling my childhood dream of moving to a bustling metropolis and achieving success as an immigrant. I am proud to have established and run my own company, which represents the realization of two significant dreams and goals that I have worked hard to achieve.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

At this moment, I can’t pinpoint one specific event as the most interesting or unique thing that has happened to me. Instead, I feel incredibly blessed by the journey of life, which has led me to encounter remarkable people along the way – friends, colleagues, and mentors – who have continuously surprised me with valuable lessons and experiences. Each interaction has shaped me in profound ways, contributing to the unique tapestry of my life. I cherish the unpredictability and richness of these encounters, which have added depth and meaning to my journey.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

My career ambition is to establish multiple interior design studios across the country, collaborate with renowned architects, and implement programs to assist individuals who are unable to afford their own homes. I am taking confident steps toward my business goals, currently focusing on learning how to expand. In the near future, I plan to work on establishing assistance programs to help those in need.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

I believe I already have my dream job because it involves art, beauty, creativity, and love. I enjoy meeting new people and facing challenges with each project, which motivates me to strive for more.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was born and raised in Pervomaysk city, Lugansk region, Ukraine. When I was 8 years old, my family and I moved to Kyiv, where I spent most of my childhood and built many cherished memories. Those days hold a special place in my heart – I had wonderful friends, developed my artistic talents, participated in sports, performed in school concerts, and even wrote scripts for various school productions. My childhood was filled with the opportunity to explore and express myself, as my parents always supported and motivated me to develop in various fields and find my own path in life and passion.

One funny memory I have is from every summer when I visited my grandparents. Although I sometimes grumbled about it, I was put to work picking berries, weeding, and planting in their garden. To be honest, I’m not much of a gardener, but you can’t resist a Ukrainian grandma – if you know what i mean! I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but now I would love to travel back in time to experience it again and enjoy those homegrown berries.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

Probably I never had unusual jobs but my first job was as a personal assistant to the Director of the Retail Sales Department at Alfa Bank Ukraine. I’m grateful for this experience as it taught me essential skills in document management, financial analysis, organization, time management, and negotiation. My boss was very strict, which helped me develop a strong work ethic and attention to detail.

List any volunteering you have done.

One of the most meaningful volunteering experiences I had was at a hospital in Ukraine specializing in bone tuberculosis. I dedicated my time to supporting children affected by this illness, organizing entertaining and educational events to uplift their spirits and create memorable moments during their treatment.

I would love to continue my volunteering efforts here in Canada, especially if I can engage in activities similar to those I undertook in Ukraine. Making a difference in the lives of children facing health challenges is a cause close to my heart and I am eager to contribute to the community and support those in need wherever I can.

What is your most unusual talent?

One of my most unusual talents lies in my ability to transform ordinary materials into stunning works of art and breathe new life into vintage furniture pieces. I have a knack for creating beauty from unexpected sources, proving that creativity knows no bounds. Whether it’s repurposing old furniture into stylish pieces or crafting unique decorations for themed parties, I thrive on turning ideas into tangible expressions of artistry. I cherish the opportunity to infuse creativity into everything I do, bringing joy and inspiration to those around me.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

Barcelona may not be the most interesting place for everyone, but for me, it was truly unforgettable. I left my heart there – I was captivated by the people, the culture, and fell in love with the architecture, especially Gaudi’s creations. The spiritual experience of Montserrat left a lasting impression on me. The atmosphere of shopping at La Rambla’s bustling bazaar, enjoying magnificent paellas with seafood, sipping on huge sangrias, and watching flamenco shows in the evenings all added to the magic. I guess it’s clear that I have a deep appreciation for beautiful places and delicious food.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I envision having achieved all my career goals, including establishing the charity program I mentioned earlier. Another dream of mine is to open my own gallery where new artists can showcase their work.

Additionally, I see myself surrounded by my loving husband and children, creating a happy and fulfilling family life.