Dominique Doucette

Dominique Doucette

Height: 5’8
Hometown: Québec City, QC
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Occupation: Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist

Born and raised in the beautiful city of Campbellton New Brunswick, Dominique is a tri-lingual 27 year old who has always had a love for helping others. Dominique graduated from Laval University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Relations with honors for her involvement towards the community, and then pursued a superior degree in Creativity, Innovation and Leadership in Human Resources. She is currently pursuing a leadership certificate through Harvard Business School while working as a Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist in the Tech Industry with a focus on engineering. Out of 10,000 members of the Certified HR Association, she was chosen to represent the next generation of leaders in her field at the annual Human Resources Congress. She has made it her life mission to defend minorities and ensure everyone is given the same opportunities in the workplace.

With her spare time, Dominique continuously strives to give back to the community. During her studies at Laval, she was a member of the Joint Committee where she helped students with their school experience and studies, as well as hosting anti-bullying campaigns in various High Schools throughout Canada. Dominique was nominated for the campaign Du monde à connaitre which is an awareness campaign that aims to educate on the benefits and positives of immigration in the region. Dominique was also the co-manager of Défilé Luna, who raised more than 30,000$ for Opération Enfant Soleil throughout 4 years. Dominique has also been involved in raising money and awareness for eating disorders, breast cancer, women’s shelters, newcomer employment support, and youth programs.Dominique has even written a children’s book that she hopes to publish in the next few months to teach children from a young age that we need to embrace our authentic selves and continue to support others around us to do the same.

Dominique fell in love with being on stage as a dancer from the young age of 4. Her love of competing on stage continued to the pageant world, and in 2015 Dominique competed and won the title of Miss Teenager Universe in Panama. She has since represented Canada internationally at the 2022 Reinado del Café in Colombia, and most recently placed first runner up at World Miss University in South Korea; where she also walked away with the most prizes (Miss Intelligence, Miss Sincerity and Miss Popularity). Although Dominique loves being on stage, her true passion lies with the opportunity to make a difference through pageants. This year she hosted an event to raise funds for Moissan Quebec. She is also the International Youth Ambassador for the Worlds Bay and will be doing a conference in South Korea next October to bring awareness around sustainability and how we can manage our natural resources more responsibly.

Dominique hopes to be the next Miss Universe Canada so she can continue to spread her positivity, volunteerism and advocate for equal rights, especially for individuals facing barriers. Dominique believes every person has the potential to be great, but society creates barriers to their success. That’s why with her platform Dominique wants to give a fair chance to everyone to reach their fullest potential and give support to those in need.


What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

I enjoy acting, traveling and getting involved in the community in my spare time. I am the International Youth Ambassador for the Bay in the world I am also an ambassador for a nonprofit that helps women in need get first necessity products.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

Since a young age, I have loved all sorts of performing arts. I danced for over fifteen years, and I continue to do so to express myself. Additionally, my mother taught me how to draw at a young age. In elementary school, I won a few drawing contests. I even drew my deputy Christmas card.

I have also participated in many runway and dramatic arts training. I also won the best comedian in a main role at the FTJA.

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

You can find me in the gym almost everyday of the week or at the yoga studio. Besides spending most of my time dancing while doing my grocery or while cleaning my home, I started Bachata recently and it allows me to reconnect with my passion because I danced my whole life. In New Brunswick we have wonderful outdoor scenery, so I enjoyed skiing and snowboarding. I was also a softball player. I had the chance to represent Restigouche County at the Jeux de l’Acadie. I have been practicing golf for two years now. I love doing paddle board and reconnect with the nature.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

It was and still is my grandfather Pete that is the person who impacted my life the most. On Christmas Eve 1994, he asked my mother to give him the gift he always wished for and it was for a little granddaughter. In September 1995, I made my first step into this world. He is my inspiration because he was proud of all of my accomplishments.

I really look up to him, because he was a fighter. He fought in the Korean War for our country. He fought for his place on a junior hockey team for the love of one of our most popular sports. He fought for making his way as a culinary chef in Lake Louise. He fought to help my grandmother with her business and the family. He also fought against cancer.

Unfortunately, it is the only battle he didn’t win. In 2004, my inspiration lost his life to cancer, but he is and will always be my hero. I wish I could have his courage, his audacity and his charisma.

In Campbellton, New Brunswick everybody knew my grandfather Pete. One day, I hope everybody knows me in a positive way like my grandfather who used to be an active member of the community.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

Everyone-whether that be young children or grown adults, sometimes need to apologize. The most important part is being aware of the reason why, as an individual, we apologize. We as Canadians apologize for too many things. We are recognized worldwide for it. I used to apologize for just being myself, that is why one of my proudest accomplishment as been to write a kids picture book to make sure the next generation of leaders are not apologizing for being themselves. This book actually aims to demonstrate that you do not always need to apologize for everything.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

In 2012, I was chosen to receive the Vimy Pilgrimage Award. This award recognizes the actions of young people who are dedicated to the betterment of society by demonstrating an outstanding commitment to volunteer work through positive contributions, notable deeds, or bravery that benefits their peers, school, community, and province.

The Vimy Pilgrimage Award consists of a fully funded week-long educational program in Belgium and France to study Canada’s tremendous First World War contribution.

The First World War is an important, strategic moment in Canadian history and this experience helped me foster a greater appreciation for the sacrifices made for our freedom. It was a special moment because my greatest inspiration, my grandfather, was also a veteran.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

I strive to make everyone no matter their background included and safe in the workplace. I believe the strength of our Canadian culture lies in our differences and we need to embrace those differences because that is what sets us apart as a nation. As a Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist, I fight daily to make the workplace a safer and fairer environment for all, and specifically women no matter their religious beliefs, skin color or social status. I want to make job opportunities accessible for everyone.

I want to be known for my leadership, and give women the confidence they need to reach positions they wouldn’t have the courage to apply for. I want every minority to be unapologetically confident so they can get that job they always dreamed of.

I do concrete action to reach that goal. I am involve in charity work and influence coworkers to do the same. I help immigrant woman with their resume to get the job they really deserve. I change lives every year by helping people find their career path and that is the biggest gift anyone could give me seeing people embracing their true authentic self.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

Being Miss Universe Canada would be the epitome of what I would call my Dream Job in life. I am ready to dedicate my time and energy to be Miss Universe Canada and handle those responsibilities.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I grew up in Campbellton, New Brunswick. Being from a small town you’re raised not just by your parents but by your whole community. My parents both have successful careers and have always shared the importance of education to my older brother and I.

Besides having hardworking parents, they were also very supportive too. They gave us the opportunity to follow our desires and to be part of any sports or any extracurricular activities that we wanted. Being committed to such activities taught me essential life skills like time management, teamwork and discipline.

I consider myself lucky because I never missed out on anything, but my parents raised me to be grateful about it every day and to help those who didn’t have the same opportunities as I did.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

In 2011, I traveled to Louisiana to promote bilingualism at the Acadian Congress. Did you know that New-Brunswick is the only province that is officially bilingual in Canada? I cherished this opportunity to relate to my Acadian roots and to bring awareness to bilingualism.

In 2017, I had the opportunity to represent the Quebec Winter Carnaval in Paris. My team and I did presentations in travel agencies to promote the pleasure of the snow in France. We promoted Canadian maple syrup products at a booth in the job fair and we also visited the Canadian Embassy. It was great to share our history and our love for winter.

List any volunteering you have done.

  • Youth Chamber of Quebec
  • Opération Enfant Soleil
  • Moisson Québec
  • STAND 4
  • Maison L’éclaircie
  • Breast Cancer
  • Little Breakfast Club
  • Anti-bullying Campaign
  • P.A.R.T.Y. prevents alcohol and risk-related trauma in youth
  • Family Hospitality Day
  • Excellence competition of Industrial Relations
  • Joint Committee of Laval University
  • International Car Exposition
  • Quebec Winter Carnaval
  • Improv league
  • Speaker for AEFNB
  • Fidèle Moustachu
  • Speaker for SPFF
  • Soup Kitchen
  • Children Wish Foundation
  • Festivent
  • Rod Harquail Family Tournament
  • YWCA
  • Salmon Festival
  • IWK Foundation
  • SOS Children
  • Vide ta Sacoche
  • COVID-19 for the Government of Quebec

And many more…

What is your most unusual talent?

To be unapologetically confident and inspiring people to be too.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

I have travel a lot but no place is peaceful and welcoming like Canada. You know what they say ? There is no place like home. That’s why I cherish every chance that I get to travel around our country. We have the longest coastline, we have more lakes than any other country and our National Parks are a true natural wonder. In Canada, we also accept immigrants with open arms and that’s why our people is one of our biggest treasure.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I envision myself continuing to share my passion for philanthropy with my surroundings and create a scholarship for girls so they have the opportunity to compete in a pageant or just follow their dreams. I can see myself raising a family and continue traveling the world.

Is there anything you would like to add that we haven’t asked?

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio. I am so grateful for this opportunity, and I will ensure to remember the chance I have had throughout all this journey.

Merci d’avoir pris le temps de lire ma biographie. Je suis très reconnaissante de cette opportunité et je vais m’assurer d’en être consciente tout au long de l’aventure.