Sophia Sladic

Sophia Sladic

Height: 5’3
Hometown: Windsor, ON
Languages: English
Occupation: Student at the University of Windsor (Concurrent Education and Visual Arts)

Sophia Sladic is a 20 year-old student, currently enrolled in her third year of Concurrent Education and Visual Arts at the University of Windsor. At a young age she developed a genuine passion for the arts and over time, with the guidance of mentors, she also found her love for teaching. Sophia has dedicated the majority of her time to teaching art to underprivileged youth in the Windsor-Essex community. Her dedication to the arts community is evident through her extensive volunteer work, notably with the local museum, Art Windsor-Essex and her active role on the youth committee at Windsor Light Music Theatre. These experiences have allowed her to build valuable connections and broaden her understanding of the art world while fostering a passion for educating others.

Sophia is a passionate advocate for the arts, dedicated to enriching the lives of others through creative expression. Her efforts extend beyond her own artistic pursuits as she actively works to bring art into the lives of youth in her community. She believes that being a part of a creative community can better the mental well being of young individuals, provide support to aspiring creators, and motivate people to pursue their passions. After graduating university, Sophia aspires to travel abroad and teach children in developing countries. Using art as an international language, she wants to gain a greater appreciation of culture and create a positive impact in the lives of her students. Sophia believes that all children deserve to experience a proper education.

As Sophia embarks on her national pageant journey to Miss Universe Canada, she reflects on her achievements and milestones that have brought her to this point in her career. She uses her independence, resilience, and empathy as a guide to empower young women like herself to fulfill their goals. Sophia’s kindness and determination makes it easy for her to build relationships and take on new challenges. She is grateful to finally have an opportunity to be on the national stage and prove to herself that with strength, perseverance, and faith, anything is possible.


What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?

Some of my many interests include singing, dancing, and creating art in my spare time. My passion for the arts resonates with my ambition to teach others. I spend most of my time volunteering in schools by coaching dance, teaching art lessons to youth in the community, and applying my visual art skills in set design and scene painting. When I am not in school, I enjoy performing in musicals through my community theatre group to stay involved with my creative side. Aside from the arts, I also enjoy playing golf with friends, running and doing yoga to encourage an active mindset where I can feel confident in myself.

List any special training you have had (music, art, drama, dance, etc.)

As a future educator, I have decided to specialize in visual art where I can teach senior and intermediate level courses to high school students. I am also working toward earning my specialist in dramatic arts where I can use my talents and knowledge to encourage students to pursue their dreams. I had the opportunity to work at our city art gallery, Art Windsor-Essex where I interned and assisted in gallery tours. I was able to share my knowledge about works that are currently displayed and continue to volunteer on a monthly basis.

In what sports, if any, have you participated?

In high school I ran track and field for about 4 years, until getting injured and having to take a step back from athletics. After track, I began to play golf in my spare time and use that as a way to get out and stay active. As a former competitive track athlete I find it important to stay active in whatever way possible. Regardless if I am participating in a competitive sport or simply doing a sport for fun, there is a sense of belonging and enjoyment that is fulfilled when being apart of an active environment.

Name one person, other than your parents, who has had the most influence on your life. Why?

An influential person is someone who is inspirational and transformative. They are a person with strength, perseverance, and all around have positive qualities. If I could choose my parents, I definitely would. They are the people who push and influence me to be the best version of myself and I appreciate everything they do to support my many accomplishments. My parents have shown me the importance of surrounding myself with people who embody compassion and kindness. When looking beyond my immediate family, I see an army of individuals who make up the greatest support system. This includes my teachers, professors, students, community leaders, sponsors, friends, extended family and more. So, to choose just one person would not be an accurate representation of the most influential person in my life. I believe that with the incredible role models I have surrounding me, there will always be someone there to guide me through my journey.

What is your proudest personal accomplishment (other than participating in this pageant)?

Being new to the pageant world has proven to be an enriching and uplifting experience. Growing up, I have achieved many milestones that have allowed me to evolve into the woman I am today. Some of my accomplishments include my acceptance into university, receiving the Dean’s Level Scholarship in school, successfully taking my first bow in a musical, fulfilling my dream of becoming a teacher, and winning my first ever pageant title. As I look back and acknowledge all of my accomplishments that have shaped my journey, I find it difficult to choose just one. Each success holds a unique and significant contribution that defines who I am. It is through these many achievements that I recognize the woman I have become. By reflecting on my accomplishments I gain a sense of maturity and gratitude that inspires me to keep striving for excellence and growth in all aspects of life.

What is the most interesting or unique thing that has ever happened to you and/or what is the most interesting thing about you?

As a young girl I always enjoyed trying new things; I always had an open mind and was very ambitious in striving to achieve my goals. Truthfully, I am still that girl. I live my life to the fullest and almost never hold back, especially when new opportunities come my way. Competing in pageants is something I had always dreamed of pursuing, but I never believed was possible. I think my life changed for the better when I was announced Miss Tecumseh 2023. I would have never expected to win a pageant on my first attempt, let alone make it to the Miss Universe Canada stage at age twenty. My story holds a lot of meaning and sentimental value that allows me to look at my life through a new lens. My experience is unique and very unexpected compared to most competitors. My ultimate aspiration is to model to young women and prove that everyone has the capability to reach their goals.

What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?

In the process of becoming a teacher one of my goals is to teach abroad, specifically in developing countries. As a future educator, I feel it is important to be a support system for all students, especially those who may be less fortunate than others. Teaching abroad will allow me to gain perspective on how school systems work in other countries, while also learning how to belong in a cultural community. Through this experience I will be capable of providing students with the higher education that they deserve. Through my artistic ambition, I want to advocate for underprivileged youth and develop programs where children can create in a safe and inclusive space. My future goal is to design an environment where children can feel supported with food, activities, games, crafts and more. Socialization is a key aspect in the growth and development of young individuals. It is imperative that I create a loving atmosphere where children want to gather and feel as though they belong.

What would be your “dream job” in life?

Teaching has always been a dream job of mine, being able to help guide my students to pursue their dreams. However, as a passionate, artistic individual I take pride in my ability to perform on stage in musical productions. Regardless of the role, big or small, it has always been a dream of mine to perform in a Broadway musical. Although this dream is far-fetched, I always tell myself that nothing is impossible. The only way to make dreams come true is to never give up and to keep on pursuing the things that bring us joy. I want to educate others that with motivation, determination and confidence, anything is possible. I truly believe that one of the most fulfilling aspects of teaching is witnessing my students bring my dream to life.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.

I was raised in a suburban town in Windsor, Ontario where I grew up by the water. Living by the water has always been my favourite part of growing up in Windsor. Being able to go on walks and rollerblade on the trails brings me back to the breezy summer days. As an only child, I was usually given everything from my parents and I am grateful to have the most loving and motivational support system. It has always been the three of us and through the years I have gained a sense of understanding about the importance of the true meaning of family. My family is definitely small, but we are mighty. We always look out for one another and support each other every day. Looking back at my childhood, I remember feeling out of place in school because it was difficult for me to relate to peers who had large families. As I have matured, I’ve come to truly appreciate my quaint family and the amazing adventures we have shared. I cherish every moment from the simplicity of everyday life to creating the best memories together.

List any interesting or unusual jobs you may have had.

The most unusual job I had would be my online tutoring position. Many people would never think that tutoring is considered ‘unusual’, however, given the circumstances of being in a pandemic, this became an unusual source of teaching and learning for a lot of individuals including myself. My first ever job as an online tutor was one that I will never forget. COVID forced many people to turn to digital platforms to continue educating, working, and interacting. Life felt very unusual and this pandemic allowed myself and many others to adapt to the platforms and ‘new normal’ of everyday life. As difficult as it was teaching through a screen, I made it work. I was proud to have gained the ability to surpass the barriers that created a roadblock on my path of teaching. This ‘unusual’ job not only enlightened me, but has given me a growth mindset, enabling me to incorporate technology into a classroom of my own.

List any volunteering you have done.

  • Art Windsor Essex (AWE) Volunteer- (instructor, tour guide, and assistant at events)
  • Windsor Light Music Theatre – youth productions (hair, makeup, costume, props, set design) and major productions (props and set building).
  • Sisters of the Holy Names (teaching art lessons)
  • St. John Vianney Catholic Elementary School – Dance team coach, help with talent shows, plays, scribing, ELL assistance
  • St. Joseph’s Catholic High School and WestView Freedom Academy – Assistant with visual arts programs through the University of Windsor and Faculty of Education
  • Community Holiday Events (Tecumseh Recreation Centre)
  • Spirit of Christmas Toy Drive (Optimist Club, Tecumseh Fire, Windsor Police)
  • Trunk or Treat (Optimist Club) – activities, games, and handing out treats
  • Fire Prevention Week (Tecumseh Fire)
  • Corn Fest (Optimist Club) – ticket sales
  • Brain Tumor Foundation 5K run
  • Windsor Aquatic Centre – swim timing
  • WFCU Centre – hockey timing

What is your most unusual talent?

I definitely have many talents, but my most unusual talent has to be that I memorized the entire Periodic Table of Elements song. I remember learning the periodic table song back when I was in high school, and four years later I can still recite it by heart. This is definitely an ironic talent of mine since I have no current science knowledge and the last science class I took was in Grade 10.

Where is the most interesting place you have been to?

My family enjoys traveling and I have been grateful to have witnessed many amazing and unique places along the way. We often go on cruises which makes the most of sight seeing and being able to explore different countries in a week long timeframe. I think the most interesting place I visited would be Roatan, Honduras, not for the excuse of being on vacation, but for the educational experience I have gained. Traveling through the island to get to our destination was one of the most influential experiences of my life. The villages on the island were dirty, homes were torn apart, and people were living without shelter. However, the most compelling image for me was seeing children wave to us as we drove by. Children were walking to school, some playing with street dogs, and others carrying materials to fix their homes. This experience is what sparked my interest to teach in developing countries. I truly want to leave a lasting impression and share teaching strategies globally where students are receiving proper education. I plan to join the University of Windsor on a humanitarian trip in my graduating year where I will be given the opportunity to work with students, explore diverse cultures, and grow in my teaching practice.

What do you hope to be doing in ten years?

In ten years, I envision myself as a full time educator while also continuing my personal education in earning my Masters Degree in Education. I wish to dedicate my practice to fostering a safe and motivational environment where students thrive. During the summer months I wish to spend time traveling around the world, allowing myself to become immersed in different cultures. My ultimate goal with traveling is to gain valuable and educational experiences that I can bring back into my classroom. Furthermore, I see myself as a mentor to young women; empowering and encouraging them to pursue their dreams. Whether it’s leading workshops or working one on one with girls, I am committed to making a positive impact in the lives of others. Using my platform in education, I want to continue to support women, like myself who aspire to achieve their goals. Ultimately, I aim to inspire others to embrace their passions, express their creativity, and know their true worth.